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  • Writer's picturePaige Lancelot

time for a change

Updated: Jan 9, 2020

The other day I was watching an episode of "Queer Eye", first off, great show and I definitely recommend, but for those who have never seen it, it's about 5 gay guys who give makeovers to people nominated, from their looks to their house decor, these people come out looking like fire! However, this episode hit me like a ton of bricks. The lady nominated was from Georgia and she loves Jesus. Goes to church every Sunday, prays, does all things Christian. Her son came out gay then was turned away from the church. The guys in queer eye felt the exact same way, they explained how they used to go to church, how they love Jesus but feel ashamed when it comes to building a christian community. By the end of the episode this lady's son built up the courage to go back to church and his mom shared a message to stand up for her son saying he's allowed in the house of God because he is a Child of God.

This broke my heart. Who are we as believers to judge? Who are we to decide who and what we turn our back on?

I've heard the statement numerous times this week that people love Jesus, like His teaching and who He is but despise His followers. Shouldn't we as Christians be representing Jesus with our everyday lives? LOVING our neighbour no matter the gender, colour or sexuality?

Bobby Berk said "People need to forget religion and just focus on God"

God didn't create Christianity for us to follow rules and do things for Him, it's what God has done for US. Christianity isn't there to make people perfect, that's impossible. Church is a place for the broken.

Matthew 22:37-40 "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is Love Your Neighbour As Yourself."

We as Christians are driving people away from the love of God. We are misleading so many people from the overwhelming grace they need, that we all need. We are completely ruining people's perspective on Jesus.

No one is perfect, it's simple. Not one Christian has their life together and if they seem like they do, I can promise you they are far from it.

"We're imperfect people in pursuit of a perfect God"

Jesus calls us to love, he didn't have any conditions. Jesus loves his children UNCONDITIONALLY and we need to learn to do the same.

We are humans, we mess up, make mistakes but isn't that why Christ came down and paid it all for us? There is NO greater love than His. He came down knowing we would fall, knowing we would sin, knowing none of us could live a perfect life, yet He still defeated death for US.

So enough with the garbage of Jesus hates gays, hates people with tattoos, hates certain races, hates drunks, hates prostitutes. Jesus loves, loves more than we could ever fathom. Let's lead people to Jesus, through LOVE, not fear, not for selfish gain but from Jesus.

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